Urgent: Los Angeles Residents

Urgent: Los Angeles Residents

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

Your Action Needed  to Make Vegan Lunch Option in Los Angeles Schools a Reality! 

Experts and athletes will be speaking at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) board meeting this Tuesday, when the board will be voting on a pilot project to offer a healthy vegan daily option and plant-based milk at Los Angeles schools. 

This is going to be a tough vote – decision makers are branding the issue as controversial. This critical vote will improve the health of more than 600,000 students, 83% of whom are at the federal poverty line, and save animals’ lives, and additionally save hundreds of thousands of gallons of water which would normally be used to make the meat and dairy products currently being served. 

Lila Copeland, founder of Earth Peace, kicked off her Healthy Freedom campaign last June with Pamela Anderson, Torre Washington, Dr. Michael Klaper, and a host of other influential vegans at Los Angeles Unified School District, proposing to the board that every Los Angeles student has a right to choose a full vegan entree at lunch time and to have access to free plant milk every school day. She brought in an executive chef from plant based food company, Gardein, to feed the board delicious food for lunch, which was so successful that they allowed Lila to work with their food services department to develop a vegan menu.

Now, Lila and fellow student partners, Felix Hemstreet, Zion Flores, Bahar Soroush, and Kohana Porter have convinced the board president to sponsor a resolution that, if passed, will ensure that food services MUST have the full vegan entree choice and plant milk choice available for students five days a week.

What YOU Can Do:

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

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